Beyond Consultations
A tool to promote more meaningful engagement of women in fragile and conflict-affected states.
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All women have a fundamental right to meaningfully participate in the decisions that frame and impact their lives. Despite this, globally, we are failing to meaningfully engage with women living in fragile and conflict-affected states on the policies, processes, and programmes that affect them. There is also clear evidence that women’s inclusion in political processes leads to more effective peace and stability.
To be effective we need to engage with the civil society. What happens at the global level and at these forums needs to make it to the local level to make sure we have meaningful consultations.
This tool is essential. It clearly defines “meaningful participation”; it is a blueprint for sound, meaningful consultation. It is a model to which to aspire.
[Women] face many barriers to meaningful participation, most of which are linked to their obligations as women. For example, programmes need to be aware that mothers need support with funding their childcare if they are to participate in projects or consultations.
Small Print
This tool was developed and verified using a rigorous process involving women and women’s organisations in fragile and conflict-affected states, national governments, international non-governmental organisations and multilateral agencies. We welcome your feedback and will respond to any emerging trends through future revisions: consultations@gaps-uk.org
UK Company Registration Number: 05650155
Illustration: Resistance Communications
Tool Design: www.equalitydesign.co.uk